KI NO BI Gin is a premium gin produced in Kyoto, Japan. Its name translates to “the beauty of the seasons” and is made using a unique blend of botanicals that reflect the changing seasons in Kyoto.
On the nose, KI NO BI Gin has a strong aroma of juniper and citrus, with notes of yuzu, lemon, and orange peel. There is also a subtle hint of floral notes, which gives it a fresh and vibrant character.
Upon tasting, the gin has a smooth and silky texture with a delicate balance of sweetness and bitterness. The juniper is still the dominant flavor, but there are also notes of green tea, ginger, and a hint of peppery spice. The citrus flavors add a zesty freshness to the gin, which makes it ideal for a refreshing Gin & Tonic.
Overall, KI NO BI Gin is a complex and sophisticated gin that offers a unique flavor profile that is distinctly Japanese. Its blend of traditional and modern botanicals makes it a versatile gin that can be enjoyed neat, over ice, or in a cocktail.
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